A business community of Architecture experts,
aiming to constantly grow their knowledge & skills within our community.

Sequoia is a neutral platform between captains of industry and the world’s leading domain specific experts. Mutual goals & objectives, working in full transparency with a common set of values, between Sequoia, its clients and its community members is the baseline for our mutual values. This enables us to achieve above standard market results.
“A business community of Architecture experts aiming to constantly grow their knowledge & skills within our community.
Mutual goals & objectives, working in full transparency with a common set of values, between Sequoia, its clients and its community members is the baseline for our mutual values. This enables us to achieve above standard market results.
Sequoia Business Community is a neutral platform between captains of industry and the world’s leading domain specific experts. A business community that consist of only the leaders in their domain, who have common objectives and share mutual values.”

Made By Business People For Business People
Sequoia is a business community which is bringing together executive decision makers and technical subject matter experts, in order to achieve the highest enterprise value by delivering the most efficient technical solutions:
Enabling executive business people in taking more accurate decisions by delivering a neutral platform between captains of industry and world class subject matter experts.

Centre Of Excellence
Sequoia is a community of subject matter experts, sharing mutual values and objectives, enabling individual growth, strengthening technical skills by sharing knowledge & experiences through collaboration with experts who have complementary skills.
On top of that, in order to sustain the community, Sequoia helps its community members to enhance their business skills and personal situation by delivering them best advice from those business experts belonging to the top-end of the market, being it for financial, legal, fiscal or other business purposes.